CCL Website Process Flow

CCL Website Process Flow

(Utilising the " connector" and "CC Learning Connect" plugins)

NOTE: These two plugins complement each other and do not duplicate any functions.


The process flow for an Enquiry is

  1. find/identify a course

  • Select from the buttons on the RHS – this will go to an appropriate page with the [coursesales-course-list-detail] slug on it which provides a course listing (this may sometimes have the format [coursesales-course-list-detail location=xxxx category=xxxx] to provide partial refinement of the course listing for that page
  • Using the filter, use the Select Course Type and Location to refine the course select
  • display the required course
  1. click on the Enquiry button for that course

  • this takes you to the page with the [coursesales-form] slug on it ( identified as the 'Form Page' in the connector settings)

  1. fill out the Enquiry form

  • once the form is correctly submitted (failures return the user to complete the form correctly) it goes to the page ( identified as the 'Form Success Page' in the connector settings) which has the [cclformresultcheck] slug on it

  • the [cclformresultcheck] slug checks whether the DocumentExternalId exists – if not an error message is returned (as defined on the CCL Connect settings page as 'Form Error Text'

  • if an enquiry redirects to the page 'Enquiry Form Success'
  1. be returned to the thank you page for an enquiry (the [ccldisplayref] slug is used on this page to display the DocumentExternalId)

The process flow for a Booking is

  1. find/identify a course

  • Select from the buttons on the RHS (Alternatively use the “Complete your registration” link in the response to your enquiry email)

  • Using the filter, use the Select Course Type and Location to refine the course selection

  • display the required course

  1. click on the Registration button for that course

  • this takes you to the page with the [coursesales-form] slug on it (identified as the 'Form Page' in the connector settings)

  1. fill out the Registration form

  • once the form is correctly submitted (failures return the user to complete the form correctly) it goes to the page (identified as the 'Form Success Page' in the connector settings) which has the [cclformresultcheck] slug on it

  • the [cclformresultcheck] slug checks whether the DocumentExternalId exists – if not an error message is returned (as defined on the CCL Connect settings page as 'Form Error Text'

  • if a booking redirects to the page 'Booking Form Success'

  1. be returned to the thank you page for a booking, which has the [coursesales-form-success] slug on it.

The process flow for making a (credit card or a Paypal) Payment

  1. Go to the Payment Page by clicking on the Pay Now link on the 'Booking Form Success' page or the credit card link in the email “Credit card link to complete purchase ….”

  1. Check the details on this page and confirm that you wish to make the payment.

  1. Follow the Paypal prompts to make the payment

  1. If unsure at any stage click the ''Cancel and return to CC Learning” Link  

  • This returns to a Payment Cancelled page that allows the customer to restart the payment process if desired.

  1. Following the making of a successful payment, the customer is returned to a Payment successful page which updates the Status Step ID and displays an appropriate message

* Both the 'Payment Cancelled' and 'Payment Successful' links are passed to Paypal for it to use as appropriate.

An alternative process exists for making a payment where a payment link is issued directly (usually by accounts) and not by the course administration process.

The link will usually look similar to this –



This makes use of two CCL Connect slugs, [cclgetnewsletter] and [cclgetnewslist].

  • The page “Newsletter” has the first ([cclgetnewsletter]) one. It displays the latest newsletter if no parameters are specified (eg or the required newsletter based on the parameter “edition” if supplied( eg displays the Aguust 2017 edition).
  • Newsletters will be uploaded to the Media section of the WordPress administration and will have the naming convention format of "Newsletter html [Month] [year].txt" (eg the file name for the April newsletter would be “Newsletter html April 2017.txt”)
  • A separate page, “Newsletter Editions”, contains the slug [cclgetnewslist] and is used as a widgit displayed on the “Newsletter” page only to provide a list of available newsletters. The number of newsletters in the list is defined on the CCL Connect settings page as “Newsletter List Size”.